This picture was taken when my son was a month old. I switched to using cloth diapers about a month later.
After going through two major layoffs then becoming a new mother, I was trying every trick in the book to cut costs. I started out using disposables not realizing that there were better and more sustainable options. People would always talk about how expensive diapers, formula, and babies were. The expense was one of the main reasons I waited so long to have a child. I saved around $500.00 specifically for diapers/wipes when I had my first son, Asher. Luckily, I hadn’t dipped into it yet because people gave us several boxes of diapers at our shower.
One night I stumbled upon a YouTube video about cloth diapering. It was intriguing but also seemed a bit overwhelming. As I looked further into it, I started to seriously consider taking the plunge. We had $500.00 in cash just waiting to be spent. Why not use the cash on reusable diapers instead of throwing money out the window? The more I thought about the more excited and nervous I began to get. After telling my family of my plans to switch to cloth, everyone thought I was crazy including my husband. It took a little bit of convincing to get everyone on board. I did a lot of research and read review after review. Once I felt confident in my choices I went on Amazon and ordered several diapers in different styles and brands. I wasn’t sure how this new journey would go so I kept my disposables as a backup.
When all of my glorious fluff mail finally came in, I was instantly sold! I fell in love with all of the different options, styles, prints, and patterns. I continued using nothing but cloth diapers on Asher until he was completely potty-trained. My backup disposables ended up collecting dust and Asher became the first “official” cloth diaper model for MyGreenNest!
The Birth of MyGreenNest!

When I was pregnant with Asher I was working in the oil industry and planned on using disposable diapers and going back to work within two months. Boy, how things change! Once I experienced the joy of motherhood for the first time I wanted to continue staying home with my son. My family graciously offered to help us for one year so I didn’t have to leave him in daycare for 9+ hours a day. We were very blessed to have the support of our family.
After discovering cloth diapers, I realized that we as mothers have so much more options than what is written in the birthing class pamphlets. Because I had no prior experience with babies I would scour Amazon and Youtube reviews every night after work to learn what we needed. Searching the internet for the perfect baby products for hours a day was a job all on its own. I decided I wanted to create a place where new moms could learn about natural baby products and bypass all of the dreaded searchings! In November of 2014, I started this blog, originally naming it ClothDiaperEasy. I eventually changed the title to MYGREENNEST so I could expand on more subjects other than cloth diapers.
It’s funny how something as simple as changing diapers shaped my life into what it is today. Because I decided to choose cloth, I opened my blog which made it possible to stay home with my son and meet a lot of awesome people. Cloth diapering has also inspired me to look for other ways to cut waste and reuse. I hope MyGreenNest makes a difference and inspires other moms to live a greener lifestyle.
If you enjoyed my story and want to start living the crunchy life, I’d love for you to become one of my “Nesties,” by subscribing. I’ll only hit your inbox when I have a cool new piece of content to share or a giveaway!
Okay, so after more review. I think your website is pretty awesome. It’s very user friendly and I love the cloth easy store links. I’m not a mother yet, but I will definitely tell friends about this and who knows maybe one day I will be frantically talking notes for my own baby 🙂 lol. It’s so exciting to go on the world wide web and see pics of my sweet little nephew, he’s adorable! Great job Ash!! Love, Ashley Schoenfeld-Lawton.
Thank you for your review Ashley! ha ha. 🙂
you are awesome!