Update: The Diaper Diamond has been discontinued. The Diaper Dawgs Spray Collar has also been upgraded which I’ll highlight in the review below.
Are you wanting to cloth diaper but wondering how you would deal with the poo?
I’m going to talk about the two most popular cloth diapering spray shields and demonstrate how to use both.
Dealing with the poo is not as nasty when equipped with the right tools!
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Diaper Dawgs Spray Collar
Update: Since creating this video, Diaper Dawgs has updated the spray collars design to a better and clearer version.
The New Diaper Dawgs Spray Collar (aff link) is the smallest spray shield out of all three and after you attach it to your diaper sprayer there is no assembling required. It also includes a diaper sprayer.
I’ve been using this sprayer/shield combo for almost 5 years and it’s my personal favorite out of them all.
This spray shield is now clear (with glitter) so that you can see what you’re doing when you spray. That was one of the complaints with the older more colorful model.
The collar takes a little practice compared to the other spray shields but once you get it down there is almost 0 water spillage.
The collar works with most diaper sprayers. Diaper Dawgs also has a Cool Accessory (aff link) that helps it fit if it doesn’t fit your sprayer.
I like to use my Diaper Dawgs sprayer with my cheap clipboard for support. The updated DD sprayer comes with one now, however I still like using my cheap clipboard the best.
You can check out my full review on the Diaper Dawgs newest Spray Collar Here.

Cloth Diapering With The Spray Pal
Spray Pal (Amazon aff link) was released on the market in August 2011 and has become one of the more popular spray shields. Some of the profit even goes to charity.
Spray Pal is owned and founded by Jen Aprea. Her spray shield features a clip for securing your diapers along with collapsible sides that snap together.
You can store your pal in a Wet Bag (aff link) that they offer or next to your toilet in a bucket.
The Spray Pal is the biggest spray shield on the market, featuring three buttons for assembling and measuring 16 inches long.
You can check out my full review on the Spray Pal Here.
About The Diaper Diamond
This Diaper Sprayer Shield has been discontinued and was the original one. However, I’ve kept the info here if anyone wants to read about it.
The Diaper Diamond was created by Bernadette Drew. Her patent was issued in May of 2013 and manufacturing was finished in February of 2015.
Bernadette holds the first patent for the first spray shield design. Her Diamond originally featured four clips which were then changed to slits that help to secure the gussets.
The Diaper Diamond is the only spray shield on the market that pulls the gussets taught so you can get them completely clean without using your hands.
It’s a little smaller compared to the Spray Pal and folds out flat and can hang behind your toilet.
Is Dealing With The Poo Hard?
I’d say about 90% of the time it’s like washing dishes or making your bed, It becomes just another part of your routine.
You get used to doing an extra load of diapers and spraying them off. If you have never cloth diapered before you imagine it’s going to be very, very difficult … but it’s not.
I remember thinking how hard it would be and wondering if I’d be able to stick with it. I kept a huge stack of disposables around “just in case.”
Flash Forward 5+ years later and I’m STILL AT IT!
I discovered cloth diapering wasn’t that bad after all and I started looking forward to diaper changes. I use a lot of great Accessories to help make things easier.
I honestly think it is the change that scares most people out of using cloth diapers.
Do You Need To Spray Your Cloth Diapers?
If your child is 100% breastfed you don’t have to spray your diapers, you can simply dump them straight into the wash.
Breastfed poop is 100% water soluble.
After the 6 month period when your baby gets on solids you will need to discard most of the poo before you stick it into the wash.
I prefer to spray my cloth diapers the entire time because it keeps your diaper pail from stinking and prevents stains.
Do You Need A Spray Shield?
You do not “have” to have a spray shield to cloth diaper however they can be extremely convenient and takes a lot of the work out of cleaning your diapers.
I don’t think I could cloth diaper without my diaper sprayer and spray shields!
You can also continue to use diaper sprayers with flats, prefolds, cloth pads, and even soiled baby/toddler clothes.

OMG thanks for these videos! They help make the decision to cloth diaper not so daunting.
No problem!!! Thank you for letting me know they are helpful to you! 🙂