In this honest post, I open up about the good, the bad, and the ugly in cloth diapering! I’ve been cloth diapering for 5+ years so I know what works and what doesn’t.
Are you cloth curious but intimidated by the idea of dealing with poop? As parents whether or not you choose cloth, you’ll automatically be enrolled in the PPP club.
Basically, at some point, you’ll be pooped, peed, and puked on!
Cloth diapering isn’t hard and there are lots of tools and accessories that you can use to make the journey easier.
I created this video series with the inexperienced cloth mom in mind.
In this first video, we focus more on poop avoidance accessories for your cloth diapers and I’ll show you what “crappy” products I use religiously!

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Is dealing with the poo hard?
I’d say about 90% of the time it’s like washing dishes or making your bed, It becomes just another part of your routine.
You get used to doing an extra load of diapers and spraying diapers off.
If you’ve never cloth diapered before you imagine it’s going to be very, very difficult … but it’s not.
I remember thinking how hard it would be and wondering if I’d be able to stick with it. I kept a huge stack of disposables around “just in case.”
After using Cloth Diapers (aff link) and discovering it was wasn’t so hard I started looking forward to diaper changes.
5+ Years later, here I am still using cloth diapers on my third child!
I honestly think it is the change that scares most people out of using cloth.

“My biggest poop disaster”
Honestly, I’ve had quite a few of these over the years. I think we all do as parents from time to time.
One of my son’s most recent incidents was his hook and loop (Velcro) diaper coming undone and him dropping little “nuggets” all over the floor for mommy to clean up.
I grabbed him up and took off running to the changing table, desperate to get him clean. more of it was falling out as I ran!
I ended up using my Diaper Dawgs Finger Guards (aff link) to pick up the little “happy trail.” Then I grabbed my Swiffer and mopped that floor like crazy!
Let’s Be Real
I’ll be honest, cloth diapering isn’t rosy all of the time. Once in a while, your child unleashes the poo apocalypse on your diaper!
And sometimes spraying it all off can be a pain, especially if it’s in that peanut butter stage. In those moments where I want to run for my life, I remember how much money I’m saving and it gives me the strength to go on…
My child doesn’t poo every day and most of the time his poo is easy to clean off. I’ll take 5 minutes to spray a stubborn poo over running to town to get more diapers and spending more money!

Ever Get Sick Of Spraying Diapers?
A nice little break from changing diapers every now and then doesn’t hurt. I must be weird because I actually enjoy changing my son’s diaper most of the time.
I’m not big on morning person so the morning diaper change is my least favorite one.
Why Do You Need To Spray?
If your child is 100% breastfed you don’t have to spray your diapers you can dump them straight into the wash.
Breastfed poop is 100% water-soluble. But after the 6 month period when your baby gets on solids you will need to discard most of the poo before you stick it into the wash.
I prefer to spray my cloth diapers the entire time because it keeps your diaper pail from stinking and prevents Stains.
Do You Need A Spray Shield?
You don’t “have to have” a spray shield to cloth diaper however they can be extremely convenient.
A good Diaper Sprayer & Shield (aff link) takes a lot of the work out of cleaning your diapers.
You can also use spray shields with flats, prefolds and soiled baby/toddler clothes.
We’re going to talk about the different kinds of spray shields in more detail in the next post!
This was amusing and pretty accurate to read. We started cloth diapering with our second son to save money, be more environmental friendly, and because sensitive skin and allergies run in our family. We did have to use disposables for the first maybe 2 weeks until our little guys legs would fit into the OS diapers we had. and throughout that time there were so many leaks of both varieties. I was so happy to finally get his little butt into cloth. I will be interested to read part two of this.
Thank you,
The Momnipresent Mother
Ha ha thank you! My second son had the opposite problem. He was too big for his newborn cloth diapers lol.
Lol loved the intro bit. I get this type of comment when I tell people I’m planning to cloth diaper with our first kiddo (coming Spring 2019). Is there a printable list of the items mentioned in this video or links to the items? Wanted to add some to my baby registry.
Thank you.
Ahhh that’s a good idea, maybe I should make one! I hope you and baby are doing well 🙂