The diaper that fits like a glove, the fitted cloth diaper . . .
Are you looking for a fantastic diapering solution for overnights?
Maybe you’ve struggled with using the prefold or flat diaper (basically a small towel) and didn’t like having to mess with folding it around your squirmy toddler.
Maybe you just want to add some variety to your ever-growing diaper stash?
Today we’re going to dive in deep and learn all about fitted cloth diapers and their benefits!
After 6 years of cloth diapering this post has been updated.
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What Is The Fitted Diaper And how Is It Different?
Basically the fitted cloth diaper is a nice comfy piece of material that is already “fitted” in the shape of a diaper. They’re a step-up from the Flat and Prefold Cloth Diaper because you don’t have to do any fancy folds to get them to fit around your baby.
Just like other types of diapers, the fitted cloth diaper comes in many different styles, types, and materials.
For example, You can buy them in cotton, bamboo, hemp, organic cotton, bleached, or unbleached, and the list goes on.
You can get fitted cloth diapers in different size-ranges or you can stick to the One-Size variety to save money.
They’re generally pretty absorbent but not waterproof so you’ll still need to use a Diaper Cover (Amazon aff link) with them.
Fitted diapers can come in different materials, sizes, shapes, prints, and styles. Some come with snap closures or aplix (velcro) closures.
There are a few fitteds that will require a Snappi (aff link) or Boingo fastener. (Amazon aff link)
If you want to go full hippy you can use safety pins!
The Advantages of the Fitted Cloth Diaper
The biggest advantage of using fitted cloth diapers is absorbency. A normal cloth diaper will absorb in one condensed location especially if you’re only using inserts and covers.
The fitted has the advantage of absorbing more evenly and throughout the entire diaper.
A lot of mothers think of the fitted as their “saving grace” for night time diapering!
A fantastic option to pair with a fitted diaper are Wool Diaper Covers. (Amazon aff link). Wool covers are pretty much 100% leak-proof and completely breathable, unlike PUL covers.
This combination gives you the best leak protection while simultaneously allowing your baby’s bum to breathe.
Some mothers use a wool cover with a fitted diaper for a couple of hours a day just for “air time.” Babies are in waterproof covers so often that it’s nice to give their skin a chance to breathe and this can also help with diaper rash.

Styles Of Fitted Cloth Diapers
I practiced “air-time” by using my MotherEase Fitted Cloth Diapers (Amazon aff link) every day for a couple of hours with my oldest. I didn’t have any wool covers when I started out so this is how I allowed him to have some air-time.
Asher never leaked everywhere while wearing these because I bulked up his fitted with one of my fabulous Bamboo Inserts. (Amazon aff link) It usually gave us about two hours before he’d start to feel slightly damp.
The MotherEase fitted is nice and thick and feels like a luxurious bath towel, perfect for around the house or night-time use.
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Another advantage of using fitteds are that they offer the absorbency of a prefold but don’t require all of the folding.
Now I’m not dogging on flats and prefolds they’re actually one of my favorite types of diapers but they can be harder to use, especially for newbies.
Some parents love using Newborn fitted diapers because they’re more absorbent and quicker to use which is great for those late-night changes!
Due to the elastics in fitteds, they also tend to hold in runny-breastfed poo a lot better than a standard prefold.
You have to do certain Folds to keep breastfed poo from getting on the cover if you are using a prefold or flat.
Other Fitted Style Options:
Some companies like Green Mountain Diapers offer prefolds that have been turned into fitted diapers with soakers sewn-in for added absorbency.
The’re services on Etsy where you can have your own prefold diapers turned into fitted’s and even choose if you want snaps added or not. I’ve also seen some pretty cool DIY tutorials on Pinterest that show you how to do it yourself.
My cousin had her prefolds turned into fitteds which also had a pocket added for an optional/additional insert. She let me borrow her diapers and I loved them!
I really need to do a video tutorial on how to make these sometime…
Hybrid Style Fitted Diapers:
They offer hybrid fitted’s or All-In-Two Styles where you have an option to add or remove the soaker. Some fitted cloth diapers come with a soaker and some have a soaker option available but sell it separately.
The Hybrid One-Size Contour Diaper by Kissaluvs is made from cotton-fleece and has an insert already sewn-in.
The rise is adjustable by simply folding it down to your desired length. This diaper has no closure allowing you to use your own or just add a cover to keep secure.
If you like the idea of choosing your own closures you can check out this similar Fitted. (Amazon aff link)
The’re super thick fitted’s for “heavy wetters” and nice trim fitting ones available as well. GroVia has a line of Fitted Diapers that are trim and pretty adorable!
They fit perfectly under the GroVia Hybrid Shells (aff link) and are not as bulky as some fitted diapers tend to be.
Even though fitted diapers aren’t going to show because they are usually worn underneath waterproof covers, people go all-out with all sorts of styles and custom prints.
I guess you could think of it as having super cool underwear for your baby!
Just take a look around on Etsy and you’ll see a huge selection of homemade fitted’s in rainbow, Star Wars, unicorns, and other epic-prints/patterns.
The Disadvantages of Fitted Cloth Diapers
Fitteds Are Not Cheap!
Fitted cloth diapers are pricier than your average cloth diaper usually running anywhere from 15-30 dollars. They’re more convenient than using a prefold but you’ll end up paying more for that convenience.
Because fitted diapers are not waterproof, you’ll also have the added expense of purchasing a cover.
Some fitted diapers also require a closure along with a waterproof cover, although snappi’s and boingo’s are cheap; it’s still an extra cost.
This is why some parents prefer to have the diaper all-in-one instead of in two parts – for faster changes.
Harder To Clean & Dry:
Depending on the type of fitted you go with, you may not be able to bleach or boil it like you would a regular old prefold, flat, or insert.
*Always check with your manufacturer’s instructions first before attempting to strip, boil, or bleach.*
Some Fitteds Can Take Forever To Dry:
Since fitted cloth diapers are super absorbent this means you’ll have much longer drying times. I dry my diapers twice on average and then I still have to hang-dry some of my bamboo fitteds, inserts, and cloth pads for the night.
They can also be on the bulky side although there are a few trim options.
If your fitted diaper isn’t lined with a stay-dry fabric you may also want to add a fleece liner. I wrote a great article about Diaper Liners if you’d like to check that out.
In summary, I’d recommend giving the fitted cloth diaper a try if you have a heavy wetter, are looking for a good night-time solution, or you want to give your baby’s skin some good old breathing-time.
The Disadvantages of Fitted Cloth Diapers
Fitteds Are Not Cheap!
Fitted cloth diapers are pricier than your average cloth diaper usually running anywhere from 15-30 dollars. They’re more convenient than using a prefold but you’ll end up paying more for that convenience.
Because fitted diapers are not waterproof, you’ll also have the added expense of purchasing a cover.
Some fitted diapers also require a closure along with a waterproof cover, although snappi’s and boingo’s are cheap; it’s still an extra cost.
This is why some parents prefer to have the diaper all-in-one instead of in two parts – for faster changes.
Harder To Clean & Dry:
Depending on the type of fitted you go with, you may not be able to bleach or boil it like you would a regular old prefold, flat, or insert.
*Always check with your manufacturer’s instructions first before attempting to strip, boil, or bleach.*
Some Fitteds Can Take Forever To Dry:
Since fitted cloth diapers are super absorbent this means you’ll have much longer drying times. I dry my diapers twice on average and then I still have to hang-dry some of my bamboo fitteds, inserts, and cloth pads for the night.
They can also be on the bulky side although there are a few trim options.
If your fitted diaper isn’t lined with a stay-dry fabric you may also want to add a fleece liner. I wrote a great article about Diaper Liners if you’d like to check that out.
In summary, I’d recommend giving the fitted cloth diaper a try if you have a heavy wetter, are looking for a good night-time solution, or you want to give your baby’s skin some good old breathing-time.

Giveaway Is Now Closed
US & Canada Entries Only:
If you’d like to enter this giveaway you must leave a comment below. The winner will win a one-size Thirsties natural bamboo fitted cloth diaper!
Tell me what type of fitted cloth diaper you’d love to try or your experience with fitteds!
I would love to try a Thirsties fitted diaper. So far I’m familiar with GMD fitteds and Sustainable Babyish but I hear great things about Thirsties.
I would love to try a Thirsties fitted diaper, I hear great things about them
I would love to try all of them 😂
I have tried Best Bottoms, Buttons, Lil Helper and Pooters. I have also used Thirsties Duo wraps. I would love to try the Thirsties bamboo fitted you are offering. Thanks for the chance.
I LOVED fitteds with my newborn and now I have a couple sustainable babyish to try when she gets bigger. I would love to try them for overnight.
I’ve only tried snapless fitteds, so I’d love to try something with snaps!
I love fitted cloth diapers!! We have a few and most of them are WAHM ones. Yes, they are more pricey but if they can be a night-time solution they are worth every penny. Also having to buy only a few is not that bad. Thank you so much for the chance and for the review ❤️!!! Nadya
Awww I want to see some of your reviews for the WAHM ones! Thanks for entering 🙂
Awesome thanks for entering!
Yes they are wonderful for overnight!
Oh wow you’ve tried quite a few! Thanks for entering!
That’s the spirit! 😂
Awesome, thanks for entering Naomi!
I def want to try GMD fitteds!
New to cloth diapers and want to try the Thirsties natural fitted!! So far I’ve only purchased the gmd workhorse to try on my newborn! ☺️
I would love to try all of them! 😆 I’ve used some cheaper cloth diapers with my first little one with fairly good success. But only when she was 6 months+ My second baby is on the way now and I would love to start from newborn!
Fitteds are the only diapers that work for night time for my daughter. We have Pooters, Truly Charis, TotsBots, and Twinkie Tush. I would love to Sloomb, GMD, and of course Thirsties. I love all my other Thirsties and have great luck with fit.
Awww congrats on the new baby on the way!
Ohhh I want to try Truly Charis myself!
Well hello Lindsay welcome to the cloth diaper club! 💕
Hi! I would love to try thirsties fitted. Im actually pretty new to cloth diapering so I have no experience with any types yet. I have heard that cloth eez fitted is pretty good. I also heard about sustainablebabyish that are they are a good brand. I realt wanted to try different brands of fitted so I can find out what kind I like and work for me.
thanks for the info in this helpful article! we’d love to try any of the fitted’s! definitely looking for something for bedtime – our standard pocket diapers are getting awfully bulky some nights when we’re double (or triple) stuffing!
You’re welcome Sara, I’m glad you read it! Most night-time diapers are going to be bulkier but you can’t go wrong with a fitted.
Ahhh yes I started the same way trying out different types of diapers. I really like thirsties and motherease And I’d like to try Truly Charis.
I think the all in 2 fitteds sound amazing to try for overnight! My only experience with fitteds is from a couple that I’ve sewn from OsoCozy better fit prefolds – they are super ugly but very absorbent!
That’s cool that you can sew them yourself though!
I can’t wait to try
Thirsties fitted and Sloomb/SBish! Thanks for the info and giveaway!
Thanks for entering! I need to try Sloomb as well.
Congratulations Amy, you win the giveaway!
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