As a cloth diapering mom going on 6 years, I’ve found a few accessories that have made my life easier.
Let’s face it, Cloth Diapering wouldn’t be the same without our beloved accessories. They help to simplify our lives and best of all, most of these are 15 bucks or less!
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1. Spray Bottle

Awe the good ol’ multi-purpose spray bottle. I used to keep one of these at my changing station and in my diaper bag to spray my cloth wipes. You can make a fancy-smanshy homemade solution or just fill it with plain water.
You can also keep your wipes pre-moistened in a wipes warmer but you have to be careful about mold growth.
Pro Tip: Fill another spray bottle with a vinegar/water solution to wipe things down in your nursery when needed. It’s cheap and non-tox, win-win! 😛
For around a buck a piece, spray bottles are nice to have.
2. Disposable Diaper Liners

If you’re traveling or have an idea when your baby needs to “go,” just slap one of these babies on top of the diaper. When they do their business all you have to do is plop it in the toilet or trash it. You won’t have to spray your diaper off, making traveling much easier.
I wouldn’t suggest these for 100% breastfed babies because the poo runs straight through them. The liners are the consistency of a dryer sheet so wait until your baby starts on solid foods.
You can find Diaper Liners (aff link) on GroVia or other cloth diaper sites for around 8-15 dollars. They also have reusable cloth diaper liners.
Check out-out my post: Cloth Liners vs Disposable Diaper Liners if you want to learn more about those.
3. Small Tub Or Bin

I use it to dump wet diapers in the diaper pail and carry it to and from the restroom when a diaper needs to be sprayed. No need to worry about dripping water anywhere and best of all, it only cost a buck!
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4. Finger Guards
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These are one of the niftiest cloth diaper accessories I have seen! Diaper Dawgs are great for pulling soiled inserts out of your pocket diapers and holding onto your dirty diapers when you are spraying them off.
I also use these when dumping dirty diapers into my diaper pail to keep my fingers clean. Sometimes they even double as finger puppets. 🙂
They’re small and easy to store, I just hang them over the diaper tub when not in use. They go in with the diaper laundry every now and then to keep them squeaky clean. (Aff link) Diaper Dawgs are super cute and also affordable, costing around 8-13 bucks.
5. All-In-One Diaper Sprayer
If you are planning on cloth diapering I absolutely recommend this all-in-one diaper sprayer from Diaper Dawgs. It may be a little bit of an upfront cost but makes cleaning cloth diapers sooooo much easier!
Once your baby starts on solids you’ll need to spray the majority of the poo off into the toilet, which is where a good diaper sprayer comes in handy. (Aff link) The Diaper Dawgs Diaper Sprayer Combo is the only one on the market that comes with its own spray shield aka (Spray Collar). The spray collar is small, clear, and attaches directly to the diaper sprayer for your convenience.
You’ll never have to re-assemble it like you would with the Spray Pal sprayer shield. This spray collar prevents you from spraying water all over the place, keeping the mess in the toilet where it belongs. It does take a little bit of practice to get the hang of, but once you do it’s awesome!
Click the image above to play the video.
I could go on and on about the awesomeness of this sprayer combo but I will save you some time. If you are interested in my full review of this product, and why I rate it as one of my number one recommended cloth diapering products… you can click Here!
6. Snappi & Boingo Diaper Fasteners
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If you decide to diaper with prefolds, flats, or some fitted cloth diapers then you must use a Boingo or Snappi fastener. They are MUCH easier to use than safety pins! Yes, you can still use safety pins like your grandmother did, but who wants to deal with that hassle?
(Amazon Aff link) Boingos’ are not only practical but they come in a lot of funky colors and last from birth to potty. (Amazon Aff link) Snappi’s stretch very nicely across the front of your prefold or flat, keeping it nice and secure before putting on a waterproof cover. You can also bring the rubber part over the claws or grips when not in use.
Boingo’s and Snappi’s are very affordable, you can purchase these diaper fasteners for under 15 bucks. If you want to learn more about these two diaper fasteners, you can check out my post: Snappi Vs Boingo.
Click the image above to play the video.
7. Wet Bags

Where would us cloth diapering moms be without our wet bags? They are extremely convenient for traveling and storing your soiled cloth diapers or clothes. They come in a variety of styles/prints and they come in different price ranges, closures, and sizes.
Wet bags (aff link) are pretty much fancy plastic bags that you can use over and over. They lock in the stink and moisture from your dirty diapers and some of them even have a dry pocket to put extra things.
They’re a must for traveling and not only for soiled diapers! You can store dirty clothes, pumping supplies, cloth pads, and other items that you don’t want leaking out in your diaper bag.
When your baby gets older you can use them to store wet clothes, swimsuits, wet wipes, or snacks. I recommend having at least two wet bags so you can rotate them. You can find affordable wet bags on GroVia, Amazon or order custom ones on Etsy.
8. Double Dooty Wipes
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Again, here is another fabulous product from Diaper Dawgs that makes cloth diapering easier! These are no ordinary Cloth Wipes (aff link), they feature a pocket which helps to protect your hand from getting dirty during diaper changes.
These bad boys are made out of a soft bamboo blend and come in a set of six. They have a longer sleeve on one side that you can easily grab to turn inside-out. This keeps the poo contained within the wipe. Turning it inside out also prevents any poo from getting all over the inside of your wet bag or from touching anything else.
Double Dooty cloth wipes are also very versatile, you can clean more than bums with these suckers. I like to use these for wiping down toilet lids and ceiling fans as well.
For around 10 bucks for a set, I believe every cloth diapering mom should have a few of these in her diaper bag!
9. Poopoose “Wiggle Free” Changing Pad
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This is seriously one of my favorite baby products on the market. I received one of these to review some time ago and it has made cloth diapering so much easier! I realize this isn’t exactly a cloth diapering accessory, but I thought I’d add it to the list because it makes diaper changes in general much less of a hassle.
The (Amazon Aff link) Poopoose Changing Pad has a strap that can be removed for washing which is convenient. The strap is thick, soft, and comes with adjustable velcro which keeps your child from wiggling around during changes.
Most changing pads have a thin strap that doesn’t keep your child properly secured causing changing table accidents. The Poopoose keeps them from wiggling around, making diaper changes safer. It takes a few extra seconds to secure cloth diapers and this strap gives you that and allows for additional grooming.
With my old changing pad, my child would wiggle and scoot himself backward, making a huge mess. Once I started locking him down in this sucker, it seemed to calm him down and now he would enjoy playing with the strap while I’m changed him.
If you’re expecting or know someone who is expecting, I strongly recommend registering for your own Poopoose changing pad! You can check out my full review here: Poopoose Review.
10. Clip Hanger or Drying Rack
I use my clip hanger every single time I do diaper laundry and even regular laundry. I strongly encourage getting one or a drying rack of some sort. When you cloth diaper sometimes you will want to air dry your diapers to save on energy or to protect your more delicate diapers.
Clip hangers allow you to hang diapers or clothes in one convenient location within your house. They’re also portable so you can move them outside or close to a window if you are looking to sun your diapers. I like to use these for my covers, diaper pail liners, and wet bags, inserts, cloth pads, and delicate clothes.
There’re many types of clip hangers and drying racks to choose from, I chose to use the (Amazon aff link) Witmor Clip & Drip Hanger and it’s held up for over 5+ years! I’ve ordered two and strongly recommend them!
Clip hangers are a great space saver if you live in an apartment and like to air dry a lot of your clothes. You can hang them on your shower rod in the bathroom if you’re short on space.
For under 15 bucks each, the price is well worth it! (Amazon aff images)
Let me know in the comments below!
These are some great suggestions! I have heard of some of these but not all (like the finger guards…smart!)
Aww thank you Britney! I love my finger guards!
Onesie extenders. I can’t do cloth nappies without these handy little gems.
My favourite are the adjustable ‘Mammonths’ (they’re German made). Being adjustable makes them a osfa extender.
I have never heard of them until now! Great tip Mandy! 🙂
I loved reading this. I love cloth diapering but you are right. The accessories help make it so much easier. I have and love some of these products you listed and some others I will have to look into if we have another baby. Our baby is almost 2 and is showing interest in the toilet more now than before. I also wrote a list of my favorite cloth diaper supplies on my blog. Some of them are the same as yours and others are different.
Thank you for the informative and useful article,
The Momnipresent Mother
Well hello there! I would love to check out what you wrote. : )
My first son just potty trained recently but now I am on baby number two!
Congratulations! My youngest is two and uses the toilet on and off but we do so much driving since we live in the middle of no where he doesn’t get many chances to use the toilet. So we are still using cloth here. Cloth diapers are such help.
Awww I used to live way out in the middle of nowhere. You might try a little travel potty! 🙂
Hı. Thank you. İt is very nice.
You’re welcome! 🙂
I was just wondering what the blue diaper is in the wet bag in the picture? I like the style of it and want some of my own! 🙂
Hi there, That is a GroVia all in two diaper I believe. It’s one of my favorites!
Very nice and informative blog. I hope it will be very helpful for cloth diaper users. As a cloth diaper blogger, I always appreciate this type of blog because we want to keep our environment clean.
Thank you for the kind words!
Parents who want to keep the environment beautiful and clean, this blog is very helpful for them. As an environmentally-conscious worker and Cloth diaper blogger, I thank you for this blog. We always enjoy this type of blogging because we want to keep our environment clean.
Thank you for your beautiful words of inspiration!